Center for Teaching and Learning: Mathematics
The mission is not simply to ensure that students are taught but to ensure that they learn. This simple shift from a focus on teaching to a focus on learning has profound implications -DuFour (2004)
Follow NEWESD Math on Twitter 
Common Core Standards: Mathematics
Download the CCSS Document
Washington's Role in this Initiative (ppt)
Links to CCSS-M Resources
Math Benchmark Assessment (MBA)
MBA Handbook
2013-2014 MBA OSPI Default MBA Blueprint
The World of Mathematics in Washington State
2008 Washington State Mathematics Standards
State Assessment: Changes for 2010
Performance Level Descriptors
The Test and Item Specifications for Grades 3-5, and Grade 10.
Lessons Learned: Washington State Assessment 2009
The Center for Instructional Services supports mathematics teachers, schools, and districts by providing professional development, technical assistance, and information services.