Supporting Student Success

Supporting Student Success
Posted on 12/03/2024

The Boosting Attendance & Reengagement Network (BARN), comprised of educators from 10 schools across northeast Washington, provides a collaborative structure for schools to share strategies and gain expert support to significantly improve student attendance rates. 

Through four network sessions and ongoing coaching, schools implement evidence-based strategies and use data to monitor and enhance their attendance initiatives. 

This network is part of NEWESD 101's broader Attendance & Reengagement program, which offers professional development, networking opportunities and technical assistance to help schools in strengthening student and family engagement. 

The program supports schools in boosting attendance — striving to eliminate chronic absenteeism — and reengaging students who have become disconnected from learning opportunities.

For more information about the network, contact Allyson Fritz, NEWESD 101 Attendance & Reengagement Coordinator, at [email protected].

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