Shifting School - Implementing Distance Learning

Shifting School - Implementing Distance Learning
Posted on 04/15/2020
Now is the time to reimagine schools

Distance learning is more than just "moving schools online." Our nation’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic has changed schools and education as we know it. Now is the time to reimagine how teachers teach and how students learn.

The Washington Association of Educational Service Districts (AESD) is proud to offer a statewide professional learning series that provides district teams and individual educators with a structure for moving to distance learning -- together!

Transition your staff, students, and community to an engaging distance learning model. No matter where your school, district, or educators are in the distance/virtual learning process, there is a cohort that is customized to meet your unique needs.

In partnership with international education consultant Jeff Utecht, the Washington AESD Network is launching a professional learning series to support district teams and individual educators as they focus on building capacity to effectively support the new landscape of distance learning.

Begin by watching one of the Keynote Sessions on YouTube:

livestreamed April 15th at 11:00am
and again on April 17th at 11:00am
(both sessions will remain online for on-demand streaming)

Then access registration information on pdEnroller:

Leadership Team Strand
Educator Strand

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