~ Plan 2 CTE Certification By Teachers; For Teachers
CTE Plan 2 Certification
NEWESD 101's Online Professional Learning Academy offers a fully accredited CTE teacher certification program. This teacher certification program is designed to help industry professionals and current teachers earn an Initial Career and Technical Education Teacher Certificate.
If you are considering a career change to move from your current industry into becoming a teacher, please visit our Career Change Page or see our Career Change Flyer to get an overview of why you should consider becoming a teacher.
Contact Information:
Adam Smith - 509-863-3052
Contact Request:
Complete This Form
Instruction for program candidates is entirely on-line Candidates may request in-person instruction as needed.
For more information, please continue to read below or refer to this downloadable program documentation:
Program at a Glance (pdf) | Program Overview (pdf)
Program Overview
Looking to make a difference in the lives of young people? Your industry work experience and/or teaching experience counts toward earning a Washington State CTE teaching certificate with the completion of a CTE Plan 2 certification program. The Online Professional Learning Academy Plan 2 Program instructs candidates on how to use their professional experiences to create a quality classroom environment where students' learning is enhanced by these experiences.
To help you bring your full teaching potential into the classroom, the OPLA program is committed to creating a quality learning experience for you. As a program, here are our commitments to you.
Program Commitments
In order to be qualified for CTE Certification, a candidate must have at least 6,000* hours of documented experience (work or volunteer, but must be documented) in an industry**. Candidates certification will allow them to only teach classes that are associated with their documented experience.
Areas that candidates would be eligible to teach in are called V-Codes. Use this chart from OSPI to find V-Codes relevant to your experience.
*Candidates can use up to 4,000 hours of experience in teaching in the content area they are wanting to get CTE certified if needed, but at least 2,000 hours must come from industry.
A total of three years (6,000 hours) of occupational experience needs to be verified. One year of occupational industry experience (2,000 hours) in the subject area other than teaching must be verified. If all or part of the 2,000 hours is more than ten years old, candidates must complete an additional 300 hours of recent (occurring in the last two years) occupational experience, which can be volunteer hours in the CTE subject area. Volunteer hours can only be used for the 300 hours of current industry experience.
The applicant may use up to 4,000 hours of teaching experience in the CTE subject area along with the 2,000 hours of occupational experience (non-teaching).
BIOMEDICAL AND BIOTECHNOLOGY HOURS NOTE: May use all 6,000 hours of teaching experience in biology.
**There is an exception for current math and science teachers who can use their experience in the classroom to count as STEM hours for earning a STEM CTE certification.
*** NOTE ***
OSPI sets the requirements for certification. Requirements can be found on the OSPI web site.
Completion of any Plan 2 program does not guarantee certification. OSPI Certification office makes final decisions on certification and V-Codes based on candidates documented experience.
Registration for OPLA classes is very simple:
Step 1: Apply for program entrance. Apply by filling out this on-line registration form. You will be contacted within 48 hours to confirm acceptance or for clarification on any questions.
Step 2: All teacher candidates in the state of Washington must take a basic skill assessment to enter a certification program. There is no minimum score for any test, you just need to take the test. Qualifying basic skills assessments are:
- an alternative assessment ACT or SAT (If you took these, you need to have proof of all 3 sections, Reading, Writing and Math), Praxis, or National Board Teacher Certification, or others. See PESB's Website for complete list.
Gather and submit necessary paperwork before* registering for classes.
*This MUST be done BEFORE you can register for classes.
Step 2b: If necessary, register for the WEST B [NEWS - Starting Dec 1, 2020, You can take the WEST-B with an on-line proctor - USE THIS LINK FOR THE ONLINE PROCTOR REGISTRATION] (You must only take the portions of the test you do not have documented. For example: if you have taken the SAT Reading and Math, then you will need to take the WEST B writing) **WEST-B Frequently Asked Questions**
Step 3: (only if you have credits in another CTE Plan 2 program): If you are a candidate who is moving from another Plan 2 program, you can submit your transcript for review. OPLA Transfer Credit Policy is:
- Nothing older than 5 years
- All State Standards must be met in OPLA course that is being given credit for
- Must show documentation of the course being completed
Step 4: Register for classes.
Step 5: You will be contacted with your class login information within 48 hours of registering for classes.
If I am already in a Plan 2 program, do I need to have to resubmit WEST-B documentation?
Yes. The PESB requires programs to use the score report directly sent by the testing vendor. The program must confirm that a candidate took the WEST-B using the official score report sent by Pearson or through the Pearson edReport system.
If the candidate is already a teacher, has a Washington State Teaching Certificate and has been teaching for 20 years, do they need to submit WEST-B, ACT, or SAT documentation, or can having their Teaching Certificate on file be enough.
Yes. All candidates for teacher certification need to meet the basic skills requirement. Holding a teacher or other educator certificate does not exempt a candidate from meeting the basic skills requirement. Teachers who obtained their teacher certificates prior to the basic skills requirement going into place, are still required to meet the basic skills requirement if they are now seeking a Plan 2 CTE certificate. Many individuals will have met the basic skills requirement through SAT or ACT, but not all of them. They will need to complete the WEST-B, or an alternative.
Do they need to have all parts done before taking classes?
Please see the following implementation timeline for CTE 2 programs:
Beginning September 1, 2019, candidates who apply to Career and Technical Ed (CTE) Plan 2 must take the basic skills test or an alternative (WEST-B / ACT / SAT) in reading, writing, and math for program admission.
Beginning January 1, 2020, the basic skills testing (WEST-B / ACT / SAT) will be required for CTE Plan 2 initial certification.
Are there resources to help with taking the test?
It may have been a long time since you took a standardized test. To help you prepare for the WEST-B test, WEST has created a practice test for you to take. This test will give you a feel for what the test is going to be like and if there are areas you need to study, you will learn what they are from the test.
The practice WEST test can be found on the WEST website.
Meet Our Instructors
Ashley Burford
Noelle Carstens
Karen Hay
Teri Melone
Adam Smith
Kevin Smith
Venetia Willis-Holbrook
Becca L'Amour
Instructor Information
The CTE Plan 2 program is made up of the following classes:
- CTE Classroom Strategies
- CTE Classroom Management
- CTE Fundamentals
- CTE Philosophy
- Administration of Worksite Learning
- CTE Portfolio
- CTE Practicum
If you currently hold a Washington State teaching certificate*, you only need to take:
- CTE Fundamentals
- CTE Philosophy
- Administration of Worksite Learning
- CTE Portfolio
- CTE Practicum
If you have previously taken classes that match up to the standards learned in these classes, you may apply for a class to be transferred. Please review the list of standards covered in each class to determine which classes you are going to ask to be transferred. Then contact Adam Smith with your transcript to request which classes you are seeking to have waived.
* NEITHER a CTE Conditional Certificate nor a Substitute Certificate are considered a valid Washington State teaching certificate for the purpose of getting classes waived.
Class Schedule
OPLA is now year-round, open enrollment with all our courses available for you to register and take at any point you need. You will not have to worry about missing a class offering, being late to register for a course, or having to plan for when a course registration is available*. WE ARE ALWAYS OPEN and ALWAYS AVAILABLE TO GET YOU INTO A COURSE*. Classes will still have a start and end time with a suggested pacing guide in them. We are going to maintain our policy of allowing 365 days to complete a course. However, if you need more time to complete a course, just communicate with your instructor and you will be given more time.
In order to maintain structure and organization to classes and to assist candidates planning for courses, we will continue dividing courses into sessions. Our session windows are listed below and dividing the year into quarters.

Classes Start/End for 2023-2024 is:
September 1 - November 30
December 1 - February 28
March 1 - May 31
June 1 - August 31
* When you register for a course, you will get access to the curriculum within 24 hours.
Program Length
Since the OPLA program is on-line and self-paced, the length of the program can vary depending on the candidates ability to take classes. Below are some sample schedules for course completion.
Good Pace
Reasonable Pace
Advised only if you already have a teaching certificate.
Quarter 1
- CTE Fundamentals
- CTE Philosophy
- Administration of Worksite Learning
Quarter 2
- CTE Portfolio
- CTE Practicum
Advised if you do not have a teaching certificate.
Quarter 1
- CTE Classroom Strategies
- CTE Classroom Management
Quarter 2
- CTE Fundamentals
- CTE Philosophy
- Administration of Worksite Learning
Quarter 3
- CTE Portfolio
- CTE Practicum
Advised only if you already have a teaching certificate.
Quarter 1
- CTE Fundamentals
- CTE Philosophy
Quarter 2
- Administration of Worksite Learning
Quarter 3
- CTE Portfolio
- CTE Practicum
Advised if you do not have a teaching certificate.
Quarter 1
Quarter 2
- CTE Classroom Management
- CTE Fundamentals
Quarter 3
- CTE Philosophy
- Administration of Worksite Learning
Quarter 4
- CTE Portfolio
- CTE Practicum
These schedules are very generic in nature, to set up your personal schedule, contact the program director Adam Smith and he will help you set up a schedule that reflects your needs.
You will pay for classes as you go. Cost breakdown for the classes are:
Class |
Cost* |
Clock Hours
Offered ** |
Cost with
Clock Hours*** |
CTE Classroom Strategies |
$450.00 |
40 |
$570.00 |
CTE Classroom Management |
$450.00 |
40 |
$570.00 |
CTE Fundamentals |
$450.00 |
40 |
$570.00 |
CTE Philosophy |
$450.00 |
40 |
$570.00 |
Administration of Worksite Learning |
$450.00 |
40 |
$570.00 |
CTE Portfolio |
$100.00 |
10 |
$130.00 |
CTE Practicum |
$450.00 |
40 |
$570.00 |
* There is no financial aid to cover costs of the classes.
** Clock hours are sold separately by NEWESD 101 and cost $3.00 per clock hour.
*** Clock hours can be claimed within 5 years of completing the course. You do not have to claim them as part of taking the course.
**** Clock hours cannot be purchased before completing the course.
Total program costs:
W/O Clock Hours |
With Clock Hours |
Candidates with a Washington teaching certificate: |
$1,900.00 |
$2,410.00 |
Candidates W/O a Washington teaching certificate: |
$2,800.00 |
$3,550.00 |
This is a 100% on-line program. All classes and experiences will be on-line. If you need a computer, OPLA will provide a laptop for you to use free of charge.
You will have to pay shipping or arrange a pickup location to receive the computer.
You will be able to keep the computer as long as you are in the program. Once you are done with the program, you will need to arrange to return the computer or ship it back to OPLA.
Please contact Adam Smith 509-863-3052 if you would need this resource.
If you need help with translation or understanding content please contact OPLA and arrangements will be made on a person-by-person basis to assist with your individual needs. The OPLA curriculum has multiple resources built into the curriculum to assist candidates with
understanding the content. However, certain instances require more than what is built into the program. OPLA is committed to meeting these needs for its candidates.
Please contact Adam Smith 509-863-3052 if you need assistance.
Progress Tracker
Track your own progress towards certification with our
progress tracker form.
This is not an official form for certification, but it will help you know what you need to do to complete the program.
If you need help with course guidance or support with anything regarding your Plan 2 certification, contact Adam Smith - 509-863-3052 or
fill out this form and you will be contacted at a time that works for you.