School Owned Kit Refurbishment

In addition to the selection of titles available through the NEWSRC Science Kit Cooperative, we extend our services to provide materials and support for the refurbishment of curricula that may not fall within our list of available titles. These services range from periodic refurbishments of existing kits (multiple times throughout the year, or just in summer) to fulfilling individual teacher requests for kit refurbishment.

for instance, if you utilize curricula such as Project Lead the Way (PLTW), Mystery Science, Carolina Elementary, or other programs beyond our standard offerings, we are able to offer this supplemental services.

We recognize that each district and school may have unique needs in this regard and are eager to discuss how we can provide tailored support to meet those needs. cost will vary depending on the type of service requested.


Schools/Districts have the option of donating kits they own to give credit toward kit prices joining the kit cooperative (titles accepted would be limited to titles offered through the Cooperative.) Each potential donation will be evaluated to check for condition, replacement of any needed items, etc. which will determine the amount of credit to be awarded.

If you are interested in having NEWSRC refurbish your school-owned science kits, please contact Beth Worthy at [email protected]

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